Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Random post

Taking pictures is reminds you of the happiest moments that you've been through...
You can show your friends or family in the future about the awesome time that you've been through...

A human smiling in a picture doesn't mean he/she is happy at that time....cause its a picture, and we need to be happy, because its a happy moments right?
What we see is a human or a bunch of friends smiling, but we don't know what happened 10 seconds before and after the photo was taken....
And that moments is what really matters, not the smiles that 'proves' that you are happy...

I am sort of a camera person last time...I snap alot of pictures from different angles...
And self-praise, those pictures look good...
I take pictures of the scenery which i like the most, but i rarely snap pictures of humans...:P

But now, i don't usually carry the camera around anymore.
Going out with my awesome friends...I tend to remember the moments that we were laughing...
Remember the scenery because i paid more attention to them...rather than snapping pictures everywhere....

Thats all i think?

Peace out!