Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sad case

Hmm...watched you're the apple of my eye yesterday... And i have to admit that the movie was awesome...Lol..i so late only start watching... Well the movie is really sad la...then ending....i heard people said that its unexpected.... But too bad while i was watching the movie...i skipped the ending...which starts from the wedding... I just closed the window and do my stuff... I guess i just don't have the courage to watch the ending?

My friends say that the main character's life is almost like me... i said...naaahh... he has courage and I don't have courage... Well i guess because its a movie...the story line is scripted and mostly is not the same as real life i guess? Well, movies and videos really inspires me... Well if my friends think that the story line is like my life, then i SHOULDN'T let the ending come true.... Hey come on...although the story line is almost same as my life...doesn't mean i will end up like him... I WON'T let that happen! Watching the person you love marrying another guy? And congratulate them but actually you're not sincere? That is like worst than dying... No man..that aint nice... Never let the person you love go with other person... Once you have the chance just tell her....or worst comes to worst accept the rejection and move on....( i know its hard...but this is life... :'( )