Have you ever felt that you know what you really want but then your heart chooses another thing? Feeling that you should listen to your heart and not your head? Always confused on which to decide because you're afraid that if you listen to your heart you might end up heartbroken; or if you listen to your head, you might missed out a great opportunity?
If up to this point you don't know what am I talking about you can close this window...
You see, we are all humans.... We all have feelings, sometimes you will get very desperate in need for attention or maybe that other party's attention. You will have that kind of feeling where you think you can just conquer the world with that feeling. And as time goes on, you will think its getting great between the both of you. But you need to face the fact, this is your heart, telling you that it's worth a shot because the heart makes decision based on feelings. On the other hand, the head makes some sort of calculations, critical thinking and predicting what will happen if u do this or if you do that.
You see, the head and the heart are like husband and wife... The heart = wife, head = husband. The wife, gets to go crazy and all... Doing emotional stuff without knowing what's coming towards them. Where as the brain, the husband must remain sane at all times. The wife gets to go insane, but the husband needs to know whats the right thing to do and make decisions based on analyzing and evaluations. Guiding the wife to the right direction by pulling her back when she is lost. Because you yourself, will be making the final decision whether to make things happen or leave it alone. We as humans need the help of this loving husband and wife to help us make decisions.
If, people only decides to go with the head, we will be doing many plain stuff and our life won't be interesting. If we only follow what the heart tells us, we will end up in situations that we never thought we would end up in. Take our parents for example, both of them having different opinions and how they view things. If you only follow the mother side for example, or being forced to follow the mother's opinions. Yes, we will be having a good time doing what our mother tell's us to do, with that we also will have a chance to end up in a position where we wouldn't want to be in the first place. If we follow the father's side, we will quite enjoy our life, but will not have any interesting things happen along the way.
This is why, we must always make decisions after it has gone through the husband and the wife. I mean there is also another party, 6th sense or some might say something inside you knows its right. Well, that might be a good source to listen or might be a bad idea but will sound good in the first place.
Peace Out... I am not sure what am I writing..but suddenly feel like writing